6 Reasons For Adding Vision Training to Your Training Routine

applied neurology fitness education neuro mentorship vision training May 29, 2024
The brain devotes more than 50% of its processing capacity to visual input. This high level of detail and the brain's extensive processing power dedicated to vision make it our primary tool for interacting with and interpreting the world around us.   
The visual system is the most powerful neurological system in the human body, significantly impacting movement, posture, balance, and pain.
Ignoring it in your training is like having all the insider information for an investment in the start of Apple computers but just ignoring the signs and missing out.
By neglecting vision training, you're passing up a huge opportunity for pain relief and performance enhancement.
 Here are six reasons to incorporate vision training into your routine:


1. The Visual System's Impact on Posture

Your visual system plays a crucial role in maintaining proper posture.
The eyes provide essential information about your environment, helping your brain determine the best way to align your body.
Poor visual input can lead to compensatory adjustments in posture, which can cause misalignments and lead to chronic pain.

2. Eyes Send More Information to the Brain Than Any Other System

Your eyes are the primary source of sensory information, sending more data to your brain than any other system.
This constant stream of visual information helps you navigate the world safely and efficiently.
Enhancing the way your visual system processes this information can lead to better decision-making, quicker responses, and more effective movements.

3. Every Area of Your Brain is Connected to the Visual System

The visual system is intricately connected to nearly every part of your brain. Visual input influences cognitive functions, motor skills, and emotional responses.
By training your visual system, you can enhance overall brain function, leading to improved cognitive performance, better motor coordination, and even enhanced mood regulation.

4. Your Eyes Lead Most of Your Movements

Your eyes often initiate movement. Before you reach for an object, your eyes lock onto it, guiding your hand with precision.
This coordination between visual and motor systems is crucial for efficient and accurate movement.

5. Faster Eyes Mean Faster Reaction Time

Improving the speed and accuracy of your visual system can lead to faster reaction times.
In sports and everyday activities, quick reactions can make a significant difference.

6. Visual Issues Are Major Contributors to Pain and Headaches

Visual issues, separate from clarity issues like needing glasses, can contribute significantly to pain and headaches.
Problems such as eye strain, poor eye coordination, and uncorrected visual imbalances can lead to discomfort and chronic headaches.
Vision training can address these underlying issues, providing relief from pain and improving overall quality of life.

Bottom Line:

Incorporating vision training into your routine can yield substantial benefits, from improved posture and enhanced brain function to faster reaction times and reduced pain.
If you want some examples of how to implement the visual system into training, click here


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