What are the Applications of Applied Neurology?

applied neurology neuro education Aug 01, 2024
The role of coaches and trainers in promoting health has never been more critical. As we continue to face the challenges of disease, chronic pain, and obesity, the need for highly educated health professionals is at an all-time high. 
Did you know that there is a level of education that is available to you now, as a coach, that has never been available outside of medical school?
We believe with this level of education, trainers, and coaches should be recognized as highly skilled professionals, and we advocate for elevating their status.
Research shows that coaches and trainers who have completed advanced education and training programs are better equipped to provide effective guidance and support to clients. In turn, clients are more likely to achieve their health and wellness goals.
In the past, and the majority of the industry, education is lacking, and the income reflects that. 
This not only perpetuates a lack of respect for the profession but also limits the potential for individuals to receive high-quality guidance.
That's why Next Level Neuro offers scientifically advanced neurology education connected with functional anatomy and kinesiology training now legally available to you as a health and fitness professional.
But the common question we get because Applied neurology is so new to the health arena is, what are the APPLICATIONS of Applied Neurology?
Applied neurology has a broad range of applications, and these are in no particular order or cover them all.  But if the brain is the governing center for our body, then it makes sense that it is part of everything, including; metabolism, balance, strength, pain, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, gut health, vision, hearing, mood, and the list can go on and on. 
For you, let's pay particular attention to the areas of pain management and performance enhancement.

Applied Neurology & Pain Management

Traditional pain management strategies often focus on alleviating the pain itself through medication, physical therapy, or surgery.
In contrast, applied neurology addresses the brain's interpretation of sensory inputs that contribute to the perception of pain. By retraining the brain to process these inputs more accurately, the perceived threat is reduced, and consequently, the experience of pain diminishes.
This approach not only provides relief but also targets the underlying neural mechanisms that contribute to chronic pain, offering a more sustainable solution.

Applied Neurology & Performance Enhancement

For athletes and individuals looking to boost performance, applied neurology offers significant benefits.
Neuro-targeted exercises can optimize the brain's processing of sensory inputs related to movement and coordination. This leads to more efficient and precise movements, improved reaction times, and better overall performance.

Applied neurology helps athletes achieve peak performance by:

1. Improving Motor Control: 
Enhanced brain function leads to better coordination and control over movements, reducing the risk of injuries and improving execution in sports and physical activities.
2. Enhancing Reaction Times: 
By training the brain to process sensory information more quickly and accurately, athletes can respond faster to stimuli, giving them a competitive edge.
3. Boosting Endurance and Strength:
Applied neurology can improve the brain's ability to manage fatigue and optimize muscle activation, resulting in increased endurance and strength.

Applied Neurology In Training + Rehabilitation

Applied neurology is also beneficial in rehabilitation settings. It can aid in recovery from injuries, surgeries, or neurological conditions by:
1. Facilitating Neuroplasticity: 
Through targeted neuro drills, applied neurology promotes neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. This is crucial for recovering lost functions and adapting to new challenges.
2. Enhancing Sensory Integration: 
Improved sensory processing helps individuals regain balance, coordination, and fine motor skills, which are often compromised after injuries or neurological events.

Applied Neurology In Stress Management and Emotional Regulation

Applied neurology can play a significant role in managing stress and improving emotional regulation. By optimizing the brain's responses to sensory inputs, individuals can experience:
1. Reduced Stress Responses:
Neuro-targeted exercises help recalibrate the brain's stress response system, leading to a calmer and more balanced emotional state.
2. Improved Emotional Resilience:
Enhanced brain function allows individuals to better cope with stressors and emotional challenges, promoting mental well-being.

Applied Neurology In Cognitive Enhancement

Applied neurology can also be used to enhance cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. By improving the brain's overall efficiency, individuals can experience:
1. Sharper Focus and Attention:
Better sensory processing leads to improved concentration and the ability to sustain attention on tasks.
2. Enhanced Memory:
Optimized brain function supports better memory retention and recall, aiding in both academic and professional settings.

Applied Neurology In Overall Health and Wellness:

Beyond specific applications, applied neurology contributes to overall health and wellness by promoting a balanced and well-functioning nervous system. This holistic approach supports:
1. Better Sleep Quality:
Improved brain function can lead to more restful and restorative sleep.
2. Enhanced Immune Function:
A well-regulated nervous system supports the body's immune responses, helping to maintain overall health.
As you can see the scope of the brain and the nervous system in with an applied neurology education offers a versatile and effective approach to improving various aspects of health and performance.
By targeting the brain's processing of sensory inputs (visual, auditory, and proprioceptive), it provides a powerful tool for pain management, performance enhancement, rehabilitation, stress management, cognitive enhancement, and overall well-being.
Learning Applied Neurology has been made to seem like you need a PHD and a lab coat to learn.
That is not so and we are teaching it across the world as easily as you learned the Functional Movement Screen and Movement Preparation.  The truth is once you learn applied neurology all of that biomechanical health education you have now will work most of the time because you took care of the reason you needed it in the first place.
Remember, your biomechanical education teaches everything below the neck, but everything above the neck affects everything below the neck.  Read that statement again and you begin to understand the power of applied neurology, the brain, and the nervous system.


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