Next Level Neuro News

7 Outcomes we expect when adding applied neurology to training brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
In the world of athletics, fitness, and skill development, the quest for improvement is a constant pursuit. Athletes, coaches, and trainers are always seeking new methods to enhance performance,...
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3 Essential Educational Components Absent in Today's Trainer, Coach, and Therapist Training brain science neuro education personal training education
In the realm of health and fitness, we often focus on physical exercise and nutrition, but what about the intricate workings of the brain and nervous system?
Those behind closed doors and...
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3 Things We Discover When Assessing the Nervous System and Brain case studies fitness education neuro mentorship posture training
(*In the video below, we utilize an assessment involving perturbation to evaluate the nervous system and brain. This allows us to determine how the brain is functioning and make informed decisions...
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The Power of Applied Neurology in Sports: A NEW Approach brain science neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
Have you ever wondered how top athletes achieve peak performance and recover from injuries faster than ever before?
How do some recover from injuries faster than others?
What enables...
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The Top 6 Posture Clues Linked to Your Brain neurology pain relief personal training education posture training
Have you ever considered how your posture might be intimately connected to the functioning of your brain?
Neuroscience research has uncovered fascinating connections between posture and...
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The Posture-Brain Connection: A Deep Dive Education brain science case studies neuro education pain relief posture training
Have you ever pondered the intricate relationship between posture and brain function?
It's a question that often leaves us contemplating: which influences the other—posture or brain...
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The Hottest Education In Personal Training Certifications brain science fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education posture training
Applied Neurology is this generation's approach to fitness and health, which, when combined with the traditional biomechanical education everyone gets, will transform the industry in ways we have...
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Solving The Headache: A Comprehensive Neuro Guide case studies neuro education neurology pain relief
Have you ever woken up with an excruciating headache, seemingly out of nowhere?


Perhaps it lingered throughout the day, interfering with your ability to concentrate or enjoy your usual...
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Is Neurology Training Right For You?
Are you a personal trainer or coach who has taken all of the pertinent certifications by all the top industry educators, but is tired of hitting dead ends in your quest to solve your clients'...
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What Can A Neuro Education Teach You?


Are you tired of hitting dead ends with conventional biomechanical approaches to health and performance enhancement? Have you found temporary relief from traditional therapy methods, only to...
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5 Signs You Are Ready For A Neuro Training Education + BONUS**
There are many trainings and courses out there that discuss the nervous system.
The difference between those and the NLN Mentorship is the depth of understanding you receive, along with the...
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The Top 5 Common Health Challenges Where Neural Training Thrives case studies neuro education pain relief personal training education posture training
What if becoming a coach with an educational expertise in applied neurology  or Therapist opened you up to a whole New World of clients and patience that you will have the tools to help get...
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The common source of frustration among coaches and healthcare professionals case studies fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship
Here is a glimpse into the essence of what sets Next Level Neuro apart.
What is the most common source of frustration among coaches, trainers, healthcare providers, and doctors in this modern era...
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From Survival Mindset to Thriving Neurology: Unlocking Peak Performance neuro education neuro mentorship
Numerous health professionals have expanded their expertise by incorporating various health and training modalities into their repertoire, aiming to discover the elusive golden goose that...
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Recap: The Applied Neurology Workshop - You don't want to miss the replay! case studies fitness education neuro education posture training
Have you wanted a few things in applied neurology that will change the very way you train your clients?  Have you been looking for new ways to train posture that are sustainable and understand...
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Unlocking the Secrets Of Strength & Movement Through Perception, Vision, & Hearing neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
Have you ever pondered why perception, vision, and hearing play such pivotal roles in training education? Matt Bush, the director of our education, offers a profound insight: "Your brain is...
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Cracking the Neuro Code: Unveiling Brain Education for Coaches neuro education neuro mentorship pain relief
Have you ever stopped to consider the profound impact that understanding brain anatomy could have on your training business? What about being able to turn areas of the brain on that are not...
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How Applied Neuroscience is Redefining Fitness and Health neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
In a field inundated with fads and quick fixes, one truth remains constant: the brain holds the key to unlocking our full potential for maintaining a quality of life we all want. 
In a...
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Mentorship Students Speak Out! fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship
--> See what a former student Scott Livingston, a long-time veteran in the fitness industry, and his thoughts on our Director of Education, Matt Bush.
The combined experience of...
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Next Level Neuro FREE WORKSHOP neuro education neuro mentorship
"FREE Training Workshop is on Wednesday, February 21st (10:00am Pacific) 
This will be a training workshop, not case studies, where we take YOU through a new neurological assessment...
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Q+ A: What Is The Next Level Neuro Mentorship Is All About? neuro mentorship neurology
This video was taken off an Instagram live we did to talk candidly about the Next Level Neuro Mentorship.
Here we explore questions about what Applied Neurology is, how it can enhance your coaching...
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FREE CASE STUDY SERIES: Curious about how you integrate Applied Neurology & Training? case studies long covid neuro education
Curious about how you integrate Applied Neurology & Training?  
Next Level Neuro's ♦♦ 2024's LIMITED - 4 PART - CASE STUDY SERIES —> FREE!
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4 Ways You Can Use Applied Neurology To Reduce Pain With Your Clients neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
Which of these 4 Pain Relieving Techniques is the Which of these 4 Pain Relieving Techniques is the most surprising to you?
Where does the output for pain come from 100% of the time?
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The Brains Role In Posture: A Neurological Understanding for Coaches brain science neuro mentorship neurology posture training
Have you ever found yourself frustrated as a coach, tirelessly working on improving your clients' posture or even your own, only to see minimal or temporary results?
The quest for lasting...
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